Kinases as promising biomarkers and therapeutic targets

Protein kinases are key regulators of cellular signalling in both health homeostasis and pathogenesis. Altered activity of more that 400 human kinases have been implicated in the pathogenesis of an increased number of diseases. Therefore, these molecules are regarded as highly important drug targets, and are the subject of intensive research activity. 

Protein phosphorylation is a very dynamic process and greatly depends on the degree of activity of kinase enzymes. Peptide array based kinome activity profiling offers new perspectives for patient stratification and tailored cancer therapy design of FDA approved and/or (pre)-clinical kinase inhibitors.

Pamchip peptide array technology can be applied in a wide spectrum of research areas starting from discovery studies (providing insights of molecular mechanisms of diseases) to pre-clinical and clinical research.

Although kinase function studies have been performed mainly in the oncologic field, kinase inhibition-based therapies have gained a lot of interest as an important alternative therapeutic tool in other pathologies including neurological disorders, Chronic inflammatory, Autoimmune, Cardiovascular and Infectious disease.